by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2014-en
Human rights and freedom for psychonauts – Hans Cousto The Declaration of Human and Civil Rights of 1789 is one of the foundations of modern liberal democratic constitutional states . Thus , Article IV:” Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does...
by fwd-admin | Jan 15, 2018 | topics-2014-en
The new Nutt Study – Advanced knowledge for risk assessment of psychoactive substances Jörg Simon Schmid In the “Nutt study” is a broad international noticed, but also controversial study (2007 / University of Bristol / Prof. David Nutt) The aim of...
by fwd-admin | Jan 15, 2018 | topics-2014-en
What is psycholysis ? Samuel Widmer Psycholysis: In the Psycholytic Psychotherapy certain psychotropic substances are used. Many of these substances prohibited from the 1960s. Their scientific research was taken in the late 1980s under restrictive conditions again....
by fwd-admin | Jan 15, 2018 | topics-2014-en
Consciousness & Revolution III: What The Hell Happened To The Psychedelic Movement? Charles Shaw An examination of the Consciousness Revolution (1964-1984) which gave birth to the psychedelic movement within a crucible of radical political action and social...
by fwd-admin | Jan 15, 2018 | topics-2014-en
Be not afraid of hemp – Mathias Bröckers Why more than 20 years after the “Hemp Bible”, the “Rediscovery of the crop Hemp” again a plea for the legalization of hemp? Because the last two decades have not only further confirms the...
by fwd-admin | Jan 15, 2018 | topics-2014-en
(de) Amanita muscaria dosage, preservation and application Hans Georg Schaaf The fungus is very easy to find. If you have found him once, you want to preserve it. But it is not only important in several months or years to be able to still hold in your hand this...