by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
Amphetamine (Speed) and the modern performance society – Hans Christian Dany How an American pharmaceutical company makes legal billion dollar profits with amphetamine * | * historical / sociological view of a substance that children and soldiers get and that is...
by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
Set and Setting – an update – Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Psych. Jan Weinhold Starting from cultural-anthropological work on rituals, the psychedelic movement since the 1960s and Zinberg’s book of the same name, the concepts of “drug, set and setting”...
by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
The Nutt study – An approach with perspective! ? – Joerg-Simon Schmid The “Nutt Study” is an internationally widely accepted, but controversial, study conducted at the University of Bistol in 2007 under the direction of the then highest drug...
by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
Entheogens as chemical weapons – a successful development – Dr. Ing. Jochen Gartz Entheogens (hallucinogens, psychedelics, psychotics, psychotomimetics, etc.) already indicate with the names that the most diverse groupings in history have gained control or...
by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
Why drug bans promote terrorism and harm your health – Mathias Bröckers In the beginning was the drug offense. Eve and Adam took from the forbidden plant and were punished with expulsion from paradise. Theologians may argue that this is a too profane...
by fwd-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | topics-2012-en
Psychedelic experiences and the natural drug Kundalini – OWK Edgar Hofer psychedelic experiences, spiritual maps and the natural drug Kundalini Known in nondual and tantric circles, author OWK Edgar Hofer (“Tantric Enlightenment – Sex, Drugs &...