When: 25-27 Sep. 2020
Where : Künstlerhaus am Flutgraben Berlin
Price : 45-70€
Tickets unter : https://shop.psychedelic-society.de/
What is entheo-science ? The Entheo-Science Congress offers every 2 years with more than 30 lectures and workshops a comprehensive insight into the world of entheogens. Psychedelic subculture and the latest findings from neuroscience, psychology, art and politics are combined. Possibilities for the free, legal design of our states of consciousness are illuminated and perspectives for an enlightened handling of mind-altering substances are discussed. The dark sides, such as careless mixed consumption in the party scene or the quasi-religious claims of ‘healers’, will also be addressed.
Call for Papers is open – bitte bewerbt euch für euren Talk auf dem Kongress im Sep. 2020.
What else is there ? Monthly Psychedelic Salons take place in some cities.
The European Ibogaine Forum
Das European Ibogaine Forum fand vom 8. bis 10. September 2017 in Wien statt.
Die Konferenz hat einige der führenden Forscher auf dem Gebiet der wissenschaftlichen und therapeutischen Anwendung von Ibogain zusammenführt. Ziel des Forums war es, die positiven Eigenschaften dieser einzigartigen pflanzlichen Medizin in Europa bekannt zu machen. Interessenvertretungen verschiedener Kontexte wurden unterstützt und den Einsatz von Ibogain in Therapie für Sucht, als Katalysator für die spirituelle Entwicklung und für neurodegenerative Erkrankungen wurde diskutiert.
Das Forum hat das Ziel, dieses heilige Werkzeug bekannter, sicherer, nachhaltiger und ethischer zu machen. Eine breite Palette von Referenten und Gästen verschiedener Herkunft wurde einzuladen, um einen umfassenden Dialog über Ibogain zu fördern und Wege zu entwickeln, wie wir es in unsere Kultur integrieren können. Es wurde untersucht wie Iboga in einen medizinisch anerkannten Kontext integriert werden kann.
Iboga Kongress 2017 in Zusammenarbeit mit :
Jeremy Weate Dr. Jeremy Weate has spent the past 15 years working as a consultant on natural resources, providing strategic advice to governments, companies and civil society organisations in over 20 countries. Jeremy spent 12 years living in Nigeria (2003-15) and has visited over 60 countries. Jeremy visited Gabon in 2016 and was initiated into the Bwiti spiritual tradition. His purpose is to use his skills and experience to promote the sustainable and ethical use of ibogaine for the affordable and safe treatment of addiction and neuro-degenerative disorders. Jeremy has a PhD in European philosophy from Warwick University and is the author of the best-selling children’s book, A Young Person’s Guide to Philosophy. His articles and academic papers have been published in The Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, The Africa Report, Chimurenga, Research in African Literature, Philosophia Africana and African Identities among other places. He is also co-founder of Cassava Republic, one of the leading publishing companies in Africa. |
Die Entheo-Science 2016: 40 Speaker und 325 Gäste.
Wir erfreuten uns an an dem sehr schönen Wetter und es wurde ein gelungener Event mit 40 Referenten und vielen Vorträgen und Workshops. Der erste Entheo-Science Kongress im Essentis Berlin. Hier die Videos von 2016.
Die Produktion der Videos hat uns ca 1.000€ gekostet. Ca 70 % wurden bis jetzt durch Spenden erbracht. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr den freien Zugang zu Informationen unterstützt. Spenden an das Videoteam :
Paypal : paypal.me/EntheoScience + Bank : on-taste UG DE70500310001030489000 + Bitcoin : 18QJ8X7ofJQsza3Tn7BVRQhWk5r5xMH72w
Fotos 2016 : stöbere in über 500 Fotos von 2016 Herzlichen Dank an unsere Fotografen : karljurka.de und andreas-paasch.com
Lob und Kritik 2016 : Lese hier die zahlreichen Rückmeldungen die uns von den Besuchern erreicht haben.
Abrechnung : Finanzen
Entheo-Science 2014 in Potsdam im Freiland
Entheo-Science 2012 Botanischer Garten
Entheo-Vision 2007
Dank an : Markus Berger & Hartwin Rode
Entheo-Vision 2006
Dank an : Markus Berger & Hartwin Rode
Referent | Veranstaltungen |
Alexander Ochse |
Andrej Schoeke |
Claudia Müller-Ebeling |
Frank Fuchs |
Hans-Georg Schaaf |
Hartwin Rohde |
Jan Weinhold |
Joachim Eul |
Jochen Gartz |
Jonathan Ott |
Konrad Lauten |
Maximilian Plenert |
Michael Ganslmeier |
Michael Ilg |
Peter Hess |
Tibor Harrach |
Torsten Passie |
Werner Pieper |
Wolfgang Sterneck |
Hörsaal | Workshop | Garten | |
Hörsaal | Workshop | Garten | |
10:00 |
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Track: Culture |
10:15 | |||
10:30 | |||
10:45 |
Die Sehnsucht nach dem Psychoaktiven Utopia Realitäten zwischen Druff-Sein und Drogenmündigkeit
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Culture |
Wildpflanzenspaziergänge Sehen lernen, Erkennen, alle Sinne gebrauchen
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Sonstiges Track: Science |
11:00 | |||
11:15 | |||
11:30 | |||
11:45 | |||
12:00 |
Langzeitwirkungen kontrollierter LSD-Einnahme
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Kräuterbitter und ihre Wirkungen am Beispiel von Absinth Warum Kräuterbitter heute nicht mehr wirken
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
12:15 | |||
12:30 | |||
12:45 |
Warum Schokolade nicht mehr glücklich macht
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
13:00 | |||
13:15 | |||
13:30 | |||
13:45 | |||
14:00 |
Macht LSD kreativ?
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Culture |
Rechtliche Probleme und Auswege für Händler entheobotanischer Güter
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Workshop Track: Science |
Wildpflanzenspaziergänge Sehen lernen, Erkennen, alle Sinne gebrauchen
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Sonstiges Track: Science |
14:15 | |||
14:30 | |||
14:45 | |||
15:00 | |||
15:15 |
Rechtlicher Status psilocybinhaltiger Pilze
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Unterschied künstlicher und natürlicher Vitaminen Am Beispiel von Vitamin C
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
15:30 | |||
15:45 | |||
16:00 | |||
16:15 | |||
16:30 |
Das Drogenfachgeschäft Modell für eine alternative Drogenpolitik
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Culture |
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Workshop Track: Science |
16:45 | |||
17:00 | |||
17:15 | |||
17:30 | |||
17:45 |
Sprache: englisch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
18:00 | |||
18:15 | |||
18:30 | |||
18:45 | |||
19:00 |
Reinigung des Körpers von Cannabisresten
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
19:15 |
Programm Tag 2
Hörsaal | Workshop | Garten | |
Hörsaal | Workshop | Garten | |
10:00 |
Drogen richtig mischen Drogenmischkonsum: Konsumbewertungen, gesundheitliche Risiken und Verbreitung beim gleichzeitigen oder zeitnahem Gebrauch verschiedener psychoaktiver Substanzen
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Kräuterbitter und ihre Wirkungen am Beispiel von Absinth Warum Kräuterbitter heute nicht mehr wirken
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
10:15 | |||
10:30 | |||
10:45 |
INEIDRO Gemeinnütziges Institut für Empirische und Interdisziplinäre Drogenforschung GmbH
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
11:00 | |||
11:15 | |||
11:30 |
Pharmakophilie und visionären Tryptaminen Dimethyltryptamin, Psilocin, Bufotenin, 5-Methoxydimethyltryptamine, usw.
Sprache: englisch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Warum Schokolade nicht mehr glücklich macht
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
11:45 | |||
12:00 | |||
12:15 | |||
12:30 |
Gründungsversammlung INEIDRO Gemeinnütziges Institut für Empirische und Interdisziplinäre Drogenforschung GmbH
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Workshop Track: Science |
12:45 | |||
13:00 | |||
13:15 | |||
13:30 | |||
13:45 | |||
14:00 |
Mescalinforschung in Deutschland
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
14:15 | |||
14:30 | |||
14:45 | |||
15:00 | |||
15:15 | |||
15:30 |
Entheogene & Rituale
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Phyto-Inhalation Einatmen von Wirkstoffen mit dem Vaporizer
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Workshop Track: Science |
15:45 | |||
16:00 | |||
16:15 | |||
16:30 | |||
16:45 | |||
17:00 |
Wege zur Selbstheilung oder Auslöser psychischer Erkrankungen? Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Einschätzung des Wirkspektrums psychoaktiver Substanzen
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
Unterschied künstlicher und natürlicher Vitaminen Am Beispiel von Vitamin C
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Science |
17:15 | |||
17:30 | |||
17:45 | |||
18:00 |
Sprache: deutsch Typ: Vortrag Track: Culture |
18:15 |
Entheo-Vision 2004
Dank an : Markus Berger & Hartwin Rode
Großer Saal Mainhall | Workshop | Zusatzflächen Other Space | |
9:00 | Einlass / Admittance | ||
10:00 | Eröffnung / Opening gefolgt von / followed bySergius Golowin: Absinth, die grüne Fee / Absinthe, the green fairy | Hans Cousto “Eve&Rave Berlin”: Internetecke (ganztägig besetzt) / Webresearch corner (always usable) | |
11:30 | Christian Rätsch: Die richtige Dosis / The right dose | Foyer (ganztägig / whole day): Marktplatz / Ausstellung Marketplace / Exhibition | |
12:30 | Mittagspause / Lunch break | ||
14:00 | Jon Hanna: Zeitgenössische psychedelische Kunst / Contemporary psychedelic art | Markus Berger: Erste Hilfe bei Drogennotfällen / First Drug-Aid | |
15:15 | Dr. Claudia Müller-Ebeling: Kunst – Das Bewusstsein der Geschichte / Art – The spirit of history | Wolfgang Sterneck: ALICE IM DROGENLAND – Das Alice-Project zwischen Druff-Sein, Drogenmündigkeit und Bewusstseinserweiterung | |
16:30 | Markus Berger: Psychoaktiva überall! / Psychoactive drugs are everywhere! | Sector 16: Psychedelische Kunst in Film und Zeitschrift / Psychedelic art in films and magazines | |
17:45 | Sandra Karpetas: Suchttherapie mit Ibogain | Aromed: Vaporizing: Sanfte Nutzung von Medizinalpflanzen / Vaporizing healing herbs | |
17:00 | Marc Iwaszkiewicz: Atmen – Volksdroge Nummer Eins / Breathing – The common drug number one |
Sonntag, 22. August 2004
Großer Saal Mainhall | Workshop | Zusatzflächen Other Space | |
9:00 | Einlass / Admittance | ||
10:00 | Ann & Alexander T. Shulgin: Psychoaktive Phenethylamine und Tryptamine – Geschichte, Chemie, Pharmakologie und ein psychotherapeutischer Überblick / Psychoactive phenethylamines and tryptamines – History, chemistry, pharmacology and a psychotherapeutic overview | Hans Cousto “Eve&Rave Berlin”: Internetecke (ganztägig besetzt) / Webresearch corner (always usable)Foyer (ganztägig / whole day): Marktplatz / Ausstellung Marketplace / Exhibition | |
12:00 | Mittagspause / Lunch break | ||
14:00 | Wolfgang Bauer: Xocoatl – Heilige Pflanze, Heilmittel, Balsam für die Seele / Xocoatl – Holy plant, medicine, balm for mind | Silvio A. Rohde: Der sakramentale Gebrauch von Ayahuasca in den Ritualen der brasilianischen Daime-Kirchen. / Entheogen reformation: The usage of ayahuasca at the brasilian chruch “Daime”. | |
15:15 | Jochen Gartz: Psilocybe spp. in der medizinischen Anwendung / The usage of Psilocybe spp. as cure | Joachim Eul und Markus Berger: Gründung eines Förervereines für unabhängige Drogenforschung | |
16:30 | Bernd Lauer: Alchemie heute / Alchemy today | Michael Ganslmeier: Pilzzucht-Workshop / Workshop: “Growing Mushrooms” | |
17:45 | Ulrich Holbein: Wieviel Gott transportieren entheogene Gewächse tatsächlich? / How much of a God can be communicated by entheogen plants? | Aromed: Vaporizing: Sanfte Nutzung von Medizinalpflanzen / Vaporizing healing herbs | |
19:00 | Abschlussplenum / Official conclusion |
Entheo-Vision 2003
Dank an : Markus Berger & Hartwin Rode
Ø Georg Wurth, Tilmann Holzer, Claudia Müller Ebeling (Vorstellung Deutscher Hanfverband, Verein für Drogenpolitik, ECBS)
Ø Jochen Gartz (Psilocybin/Psilocin in der Medizin und Psilocyben in Europa)
Ø Wolfgang Bauer (Amanita muscaria in Märchen und Mythos)
Ø Claudia Müller-Ebeling (Die Alraune – vom Allheilmittel zur verfemten Hexenwurzel)
Ø Christian Rätsch (Zwei Beispiele ethnopharmakologischer Feldforschung)
Ø Werner Pieper (Nazis on Speed, DopePollution und mehr)
Ø Hans Cousto (MDMA, Partykultur und rekreatives Streben)
Ø Mathias Bröckers (60 Jahre LSD und LSD-Archiv Solothurn)
Ø Roger Liggenstorfer (60 Jahre LSD und LSD-Archiv Solothurn)
Ø Frank Fuchs (Cannabis als Medizin, Psychoaktiva im Vaporizer)
Ø Joachim Eul (Entheogene und Recht)
Ø Tilmann Holzer (Psychoaktive Gewächse und Substanzen im Spiegel der Zeit)
Ø Ulrich Holbein (Wie verändert sich Musik unter Drogeneinwirkung?)
Ø Sergius Golowin (Harry Potter und die Pforten der Elfen)
Ø Ronald Steckel (Bewusstseinserweiternde Drogen)
no topics set for 2020
Patrick Kroupa + Hattie Wells “Personal Histories of Ibogaine”
Boaz Wachtel “Personal Histories of Ibogaine”
Dana Beal “Personal Histories of Ibogaine”
Norma Lotsof “Personal Histories of Ibogaine”
Geoff Noller, “Ibogaine treatment for opioid dependenceCan ibogaine be dosed more safely?
Ibogaine’s potential use as a remedy for alcohol addiction – Roman Paskulin
Bruno Rassmussen Chaves, “Legal Ibogaine Treatments in Brazil
Ken Alper, “Ibogaine’s Mechanism of Action.”
Patient D, “How Ibogaine has helped my Parkinson’s Disease”
Ignacio Carrera, “Ibogaine: 3rd Generation Congeners.”
Chris Jenks, “Sustainable Ibogaine Chemistry”
Dana Beal, “Mechanism of Nerve Growth Factor GDNF Elucidates Ibogaine’s Persistence and Immune Modulatory Effects.”
Tom Brown, “Findings from the MAPS Study in Mexico.”
Jamie McAlpin, “Debunking Ibogaine Safety Myths.”
Clare Wilkins, “Safety of Repeated lower dose protocols with the aid of CBD.”
Anwar Jeewa, “The Minds Alive protocol”
Jeff Kamlet, “Ibogaine Safety”
Jose Carlos Bouso, “Using low, repeated and increasing doses of ibogaine in the detoxification of methadone”
Deanne Adamson, “Being true 2 you – Ibogaine Aftercare”
Krsitin Gorenflo, Star Morrison and Svea Nielsen “Closing the Aftercare Gap”
Danesh Oleshko “Integral principles of the post-Ibogaine aftercare”
Psymposia Psychedelic Stories
Yann Guignon, “A Message to the Ibogaine Community”
Uwe Maas, “Bwiti music in the context of indigenous sacred music.”
Süster Strubelt, “Traditional use in Gabon: Iboga Dancing therapy.”
Bette Corsan, “Bwiti: Traditional Medicinal the Schweitzer Way.”
Maja Kohek, “The ibogaine experience – acute subjective effects”
Murtaza Maheed, “Ibogaine in South Asia.”
Alvaro Ferranti, “Ibogaine in Portugal.”
Thom Leonard, “The First year in Baja.”
Benjamin De Loenen, “Pathways to Ibogaine Regulation & Sustainability.”
Pavel Bém, “European Ibogaine & the UN.”
Udi Bastiaans, “Gratitude for Ibogaine”
David Graham Scott, “Personal reflections on my ibogaine experiences: The journey of a former addict and filmmaker.”
Rick Doblin, “Ibogaine, NIDA and the FDA in the 1990s”
Daniel Pinchbeck, “How Soon is Now?”
Honouring our Elders
Post Conference discussion on the future of GITA
- (de) Entheogens and their effects on recreational use
- A historical overview of the use of psychoactive substances
- A night in maloka – The Shaman and Ayahuasca
- A silent revolution: Changing goals and values in drug-policy in the early 21st century
- Absinthe – the Return of the Green Fairy
- Amanita muscaria dosage, preservation and application
- Amphetamine and modern society
- Be not afraid of hemp
- Between play and pain: the life cycle and the endogenous opiate system
- Brain wave interfaces – Masahiro Kahata
- Can drugs help?
- Characteristics of Psychotherapy with Psychoactive Substances
- Consciousness Expansion and Narrowing – Dave King
- Consumption of Psychoactive Substances – Risk and Vital Danger
- Criticism and future of the psychedelic movement
- Drug checking from a medical point of view
- Drug competence as the counterpart to drug addiction
- Drug policy in Germany and Europe
- EKSTASE AND ENSTASE – on ways to increase awareness
- Entheogens as chemical weapons – a successful development
- Falling into God – DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and mystic
- From the elf to the phytohormones
- Ghost Occupations in East Africa
- Human rights and freedom for psychonauts
- Iboga – mystical entheogen and traditional plant medicine from Africa
- Ibogaine Research – a summary
- Identity and Awareness – The Psychedelic Experience as a Look into the I
- Integrative use of drugs among adolescents
- Let´s talk about Ayahuasca -aconversation from practice
- Life in drug-rushing – evolution, history, rebellion
- Meet elves trolls, fairies and gods – helping plants, helping techniques and dangers
- Molecular mechanisms of empathy
- Non-psychdelic entheogens
- Party Culture and Psychonautics A World Heritage Site
- Psilocybe cyanescens – a new very remarkable mushroom in Europe
- Psychedelic experiences and the natural drug Kundalini
- Psychoactive substances in the Tantric tradition
- Psycholysis and Youth
- Psycholysis as a tool of love, new ways of subculture
- Psycholytic Psychotherapy in the twenty-first century
- Research Chemicals
- Research into mind-altering substances for therapeutic purposes
- Self-evolution to the next level
- Set and Setting – an update
- Shamanic Trance and Buddhist Traditions
- The 15 best psychedelic movies ever
- The Differences and Agreements of Spirituality from the East and West
- The feminine and Entheogens
- The future of psychedelics
- The new Nutt Study – Advanced knowledge for risk assessment of psychoactive substances
- The Nutt Study
- The Nutt study – An approach with perspective! ?
- The Psychedelic Experience as a Denial of Service Attack
- The Psychedelic Experience in Integral Consciousness Model
- The sea within you – To understand spiritual experiences
- The Yagé Medicine, her way into western society and the preservation of traditional knowledge – Dr. Ing. med. Heiner Dörfler
- Voice of the psychonauts: coping, life purpose, and spirituality in psychedelic drug users
- What do we really know about DMT ?
- What is psycholysis ?
- What The Hell Happened To The Psychedelic Movement?
- Why drug bans promote terrorism and harm your health
- Yage is Our Life – a film about the indigenous people of Putumayo, Colombia, their relationship with Yage
- Yajé (Ayahuasca) at the indigenous Cofán
- Yawanawa, Ruma and Sanaga
- (de) Entheogens and their effects on recreational use
- A historical overview of the use of psychoactive substances
- A night in maloka – The Shaman and Ayahuasca
- A silent revolution: Changing goals and values in drug-policy in the early 21st century
- Absinthe – the Return of the Green Fairy
- Amanita muscaria dosage, preservation and application
- Amphetamine and modern society
- Be not afraid of hemp
- Between play and pain: the life cycle and the endogenous opiate system
- Brain wave interfaces – Masahiro Kahata
- Can drugs help?
- Characteristics of Psychotherapy with Psychoactive Substances
- Consciousness Expansion and Narrowing – Dave King
- Consumption of Psychoactive Substances – Risk and Vital Danger
- Criticism and future of the psychedelic movement
- Drug checking from a medical point of view
- Drug competence as the counterpart to drug addiction
- Drug policy in Germany and Europe
- EKSTASE AND ENSTASE – on ways to increase awareness
- Entheogens as chemical weapons – a successful development
- Falling into God – DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and mystic
- From the elf to the phytohormones
- Ghost Occupations in East Africa
- Human rights and freedom for psychonauts
- Iboga – mystical entheogen and traditional plant medicine from Africa
- Ibogaine Research – a summary
- Identity and Awareness – The Psychedelic Experience as a Look into the I
- Integrative use of drugs among adolescents
- Let´s talk about Ayahuasca -aconversation from practice
- Life in drug-rushing – evolution, history, rebellion
- Meet elves trolls, fairies and gods – helping plants, helping techniques and dangers
- Molecular mechanisms of empathy
- Non-psychdelic entheogens
- Party Culture and Psychonautics A World Heritage Site
- Psilocybe cyanescens – a new very remarkable mushroom in Europe
- Psychedelic experiences and the natural drug Kundalini
- Psychoactive substances in the Tantric tradition
- Psycholysis and Youth
- Psycholysis as a tool of love, new ways of subculture
- Psycholytic Psychotherapy in the twenty-first century
- Research Chemicals
- Research into mind-altering substances for therapeutic purposes
- Self-evolution to the next level
- Set and Setting – an update
- Shamanic Trance and Buddhist Traditions
- The 15 best psychedelic movies ever
- The Differences and Agreements of Spirituality from the East and West
- The feminine and Entheogens
- The future of psychedelics
- The new Nutt Study – Advanced knowledge for risk assessment of psychoactive substances
- The Nutt Study
- The Nutt study – An approach with perspective! ?
- The Psychedelic Experience as a Denial of Service Attack
- The Psychedelic Experience in Integral Consciousness Model
- The sea within you – To understand spiritual experiences
- The Yagé Medicine, her way into western society and the preservation of traditional knowledge – Dr. Ing. med. Heiner Dörfler
- Voice of the psychonauts: coping, life purpose, and spirituality in psychedelic drug users
- What do we really know about DMT ?
- What is psycholysis ?
- What The Hell Happened To The Psychedelic Movement?
- Why drug bans promote terrorism and harm your health
- Yage is Our Life – a film about the indigenous people of Putumayo, Colombia, their relationship with Yage
- Yajé (Ayahuasca) at the indigenous Cofán
- Yawanawa, Ruma and Sanaga
- (de) Entheogens and their effects on recreational use
- A historical overview of the use of psychoactive substances
- A night in maloka – The Shaman and Ayahuasca
- A silent revolution: Changing goals and values in drug-policy in the early 21st century
- Absinthe – the Return of the Green Fairy
- Amanita muscaria dosage, preservation and application
- Amphetamine and modern society
- Be not afraid of hemp
- Between play and pain: the life cycle and the endogenous opiate system
- Brain wave interfaces – Masahiro Kahata
- Can drugs help?
- Characteristics of Psychotherapy with Psychoactive Substances
- Consciousness Expansion and Narrowing – Dave King
- Consumption of Psychoactive Substances – Risk and Vital Danger
- Criticism and future of the psychedelic movement
- Drug checking from a medical point of view
- Drug competence as the counterpart to drug addiction
- Drug policy in Germany and Europe
- EKSTASE AND ENSTASE – on ways to increase awareness
- Entheogens as chemical weapons – a successful development
- Falling into God – DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and mystic
- From the elf to the phytohormones
- Ghost Occupations in East Africa
- Human rights and freedom for psychonauts
- Iboga – mystical entheogen and traditional plant medicine from Africa
- Ibogaine Research – a summary
- Identity and Awareness – The Psychedelic Experience as a Look into the I
- Integrative use of drugs among adolescents
- Let´s talk about Ayahuasca -aconversation from practice
- Life in drug-rushing – evolution, history, rebellion
- Meet elves trolls, fairies and gods – helping plants, helping techniques and dangers
- Molecular mechanisms of empathy
- Non-psychdelic entheogens
- Party Culture and Psychonautics A World Heritage Site
- Psilocybe cyanescens – a new very remarkable mushroom in Europe
- Psychedelic experiences and the natural drug Kundalini
- Psychoactive substances in the Tantric tradition
- Psycholysis and Youth
- Psycholysis as a tool of love, new ways of subculture
- Psycholytic Psychotherapy in the twenty-first century
- Research Chemicals
- Research into mind-altering substances for therapeutic purposes
- Self-evolution to the next level
- Set and Setting – an update
- Shamanic Trance and Buddhist Traditions
- The 15 best psychedelic movies ever
- The Differences and Agreements of Spirituality from the East and West
- The feminine and Entheogens
- The future of psychedelics
- The new Nutt Study – Advanced knowledge for risk assessment of psychoactive substances
- The Nutt Study
- The Nutt study – An approach with perspective! ?
- The Psychedelic Experience as a Denial of Service Attack
- The Psychedelic Experience in Integral Consciousness Model
- The sea within you – To understand spiritual experiences
- The Yagé Medicine, her way into western society and the preservation of traditional knowledge – Dr. Ing. med. Heiner Dörfler
- Voice of the psychonauts: coping, life purpose, and spirituality in psychedelic drug users
- What do we really know about DMT ?
- What is psycholysis ?
- What The Hell Happened To The Psychedelic Movement?
- Why drug bans promote terrorism and harm your health
- Yage is Our Life – a film about the indigenous people of Putumayo, Colombia, their relationship with Yage
- Yajé (Ayahuasca) at the indigenous Cofán
- Yawanawa, Ruma and Sanaga
FAQ Besucher
Wo kann ich Tickets kaufen und was kosten sie ?
unter https://shop.psychedelic-society.de/product/entheo-science-2020/
Studenten und Geringverdiener können gerne die 45€ Variante nutzen so lange der Vorrat reicht.
Menschen mit gutem Einkommen : bitte nutzt die 70€ Variante
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Der Ticketpreis ist sehr niedrig, Getränke sind darin nicht enthalten. Du kannst aber gerne auch etwas eigenes mitbringen. Wir sind nicht mehr in einem Hotell, dass das mitbringen von Getränken und Speisen untersagt. 😉 Kaffe und Getränke wird es geben, Mittagessen organisiert sich jeder selber ausserhalb.
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Who we are / Support / Feedback
is an open project! We are happy about everyone who wants to get involved. For example, we are looking for people for PR, flyer work or people with video equipment. Do you feel addressed?
Joe Schraube Studium der Philosophie und Politik an der HU Berlin, Ausbildung im Holotropen Atmen und LSD-Psychotherapie nach Stan Grof. Er ist Gründer und Organisator der Entheo-Science. Seit 2003 sind diese Kongresse das größte Forum der Psychedelischen Szene im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie finden alle 2 Jahre in Berlin statt. Er ist auch Initiator der Psychedelischen Salons Deutschland, die den Gruppen der Psychedelic Society ähnlich sind, die es in vielen Ländern gibt . Seit 1997 ist er ein aktives Mitglied bei Eclipse. Eclipse arbeitet im Feld der Intervention im Falle von psychedelischen Krisen auf Festivals, mit einer Teamstärke von bis zu 200 Freiwilligen pro Festival. Mit 20 Jahren ist die Eclipse die älteste und erfahrenste Organisation weltweit in diesem Bereich.
Gabriele Gorsleben Mutter von 3 erwachsenen Kindern, Ausbildung in verschiedenen psychotherapeutischen Methoden, Abschluss als Integrative Soziotherapeutin mit den Schwerpunkten Klientenzentrierte Gesprächspsychotherapie und Gestaltungstherapie, Fortbildungen Holotropes Atmen Leitung von psychotherapeutischen Selbsterfahrungsgruppen, Mitarbeit bei eclipse e.V., Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie in eigener Praxis praxis-gorsleben.de |
History of psychedelic conferences in Germany
From 2003 to 2007, there has been four times a conference called “Entheovision”, with many interesting speakers. Today’s organizers have hardly missed any of the psychedelic conferences in Germany.
In spring 2010, we asked the Entheovision if there is any hope of a comeback of the conference. They informed us that this was the last edition. 30,000€ debt and the enormous amount of work, which is connected to such a convention, had stopped the project. We wanted a new conference so badly, that we began planning. The managing director of “Entheovision Event Limited” Hartwin Rohde gave us insight into the recent calculations and stood aside with advice and practical help. He said that we could carry on the tradition of Entheovision. But he warned us about the enormous economic difficulties in such a case in Germany.
Our new project Entheo-Science was very well received by the speakers . This has obviously created new motivation even in the Entheovision team. They announced a conference in May 2013. At the end of 2013 we were informed that the Entheovision project ends from here on.
A part of the responsibility of the “psychedelic revolution” – or let us say something more realistic: ” the psychedelic movement” – is now carried by Entheo Science. We have evaluated the experiences of the past and developed a new concept.
These are our conceptual ideas :
If the speakers were on their fees to make the conference possible, we believe it is urgently needed non-commercial and transparent with just these scarce finance deal. The many hundreds of hours are all done by volunteers. We use all the revenue for the expenses of the Conference, speaker fees and travel expenses.
So, as we come from a majority in the clubs and Chillout Eclipce, the decisions to the conference should be democratic and transparent. The program has expanded to include the topics therapy and spirituality.
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